Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year's Eve Christmas and Snowball Fun!

This past Wednesday we had some unexpected snow that was truly beautiful!! The snowflakes were HUGE! Honestly, I can't remember a time that I have ever seen them so big. We finally made it outdoors when Daddy got home and even though it was already dark, the snowmen went up and Landon and Addi had their first snowball fight. They LOVED both! It was a fun night!!

New Year's Eve weekend was Christmas with my family at the river house in TN. Everyone was there for the entire weekend and it was truly a special time. I am so thankful for each time we have together as a family and for the memories we make.
A look at our fun Koppe Christmas at the River was such a wonderful weekend in so many ways. I am so blessed!!!!

1 comment:

David, Samantha and Kaori said...

That snowman looks great! He was big! My favorite pics are the ones of me and John, we both look kinda silly, mainly John and then the last one of Addi and MP. That is so funny!