Monday, January 5, 2009

Let It Snow....Ski Trip 2008

Our ski trip to Timberline Ski Resort in Davis, West Virginia was wonderful!! Our adventure began on Sat. the 27th as we left at 7:30 in the morning for West Virginia. G-Mama also left from our house so John and Andi rode with her. That worked out great because she had company and John and Andi did not have to listen to Landon ask, "Are we there yet?" for 8 hours! Actually, Landon and Addi did very well on the long ride and I hear that John and Andi did too:)

When we arrived in Davis, WV it was 70 degrees outside. We were a little worried about how warm it was and what the slopes would be like or what the weather for the rest of the week would be. We were not disappointed though because the next day it started cooling down, the slopes were always open, and then we got a great snow on Wednesday and more on Friday. It was awesome!!

Sunday morning we had the Koppe Christmas and everyone had a nice lazy day of getting settled in and walking to the Ski Lodge. On Monday, Mike and Dave went on a bike ride while everyone else hung around the house and had a pretty lazy day! On Tuesday, skiing and snowboarding began!! John and Andi both tried out snowboarding. They had a 3 day lift pass and mom required a snowboarding lesson! I was there with them to get them fitted for their boots and boards and to watch their lesson. Mike also came with Landon and Addi to watch. By day three, I could say that John and Andi were snowboarders! They sacraficed many a bruised bum to get there too!! Uncle Bryan also did snowboarding and had his share of "learning falls", but by the end of the week they were all boarding level blue square which is right under single black diamond. I was so proud!

Tuesday, after John and Andi were set on their boards, I went with the other women for a day of small town shopping and lunch in the town of Elkins. It is about 45 min. away but actually had some really nice boutique stores and coffee shops. We were pleasantly suprised and had a nice day. The men stayed in to watch the little ones. That night G-Mama watched the grandkids while the couples went out to dinner. Our couples dinner has turned out to be a tradition that we do now on every family vacation. The company was great but the food was AWFUL!

Wednesday Mike, Samantha, Dave and myself started our skiing adventure. We bought a two day pass. Wednesday was also the day of the first snow, and to this southern girl it was like a blizzard!! There was no way I was not skiing though, because it was already paid for and I was so looking forward to it. We did it, despite the icicles that were forming on my forehead. It was crazy!! We had a pretty low key New Year's Eve as everyone was worn out from the day, but yeah for 2009!!

Thursday was the perfect ski day!!!! There was hardly any wind, fresh powder from the day before and the sun was out!! Beautiful! I skied almost all day and went night skiing with John, Andi, Samantha, and Bryan. It was great!! John and Andi and I finished our skiing fun off with a bang as we went down a new blue level slope in the dark!! We were pretty nervous, as it was pretty steep, but we did it and had a great run!! It was a great way to end our skiing adventure.

Friday we decided to go tubing!! We were all excited about the prospect of Landon tubing. He was really indecisive about skiing so I decided not to pay for skiing this time, but he was not hesitant at all about tubing. Addi was not old enough for either yet. I must admit I was a little nervous when we got to the top of the hill, but he did awesome!!! He loved it and had a great time!!

Saturday morning we left around 9am for our journey home. It is always bitter sweet to me. Our trip went smoothly and we stopped to see the largest single arch bridge in the southern hemisphere. It was pretty impressive!!

It was a great vacation and I can't wait until the next one. We'll be headed to the beach in the summer..... and I am already thinking about our next ski trip!!! Happy New Year!!!

The Snow Christmas Tree on the Koppe Christmas Eve...

Addi enjoying Kaori's toy.

Mike and the kids when we first arrived so happy to be out of the van!!

Christmas morning fun!!

Chrismas morning with Landon enjoying a monster truck and Addi playing with her new Automoblox!

Addi playing with her new cool cars!!

Sam helping Kaori open one of her presents.

Mary Paul opening her new Disney Clubhouse backpack from us. She loves Disney's Clubhouse.

G-Mama being silly showing off her new scarf and hat.

Mike and Andi having a relaxing moment.

After presents it was time to make snow cookies with G-Mama!

Landon infront of one of his favorite aspects of the trip. The snowplows and snowmoblies!!!

Me and Landon in the snow at the slopes for the first time!! This was Landon's first time ever in the snow!!

Landon posing with the slopes in the background. Notice the grass, this was before the big snow!

Everyone walking to the slopes together. This was on Monday, so no big snow to walk through yet!

This was the first time Addi had ever been is snow!!

Mary Paul is not so sure about this snow thing. I think she is a water baby at heart!! She loves the beach!

Getting a group shot at the slopes.

On our way back from the slopes, Mike decided to do a little rock hopping in the creek behind our house. It was really pretty!!

Andi is a snowbunny ready for the snow!!!

Mike helping Addi on the rocks, she was much more timid than Landon about rock hopping!

Bath time fun in big bath tubs!!!

Sam, G-Mama and Andi all smiles and bundled up before a walk.

Lunchtime fun!!!

Kaori was standing all week!! She was so funny to watch, what a big girl!!!

Having some mother daughter fun!!

The first day of snowboarding for John and Andi. Most of these were taken the very first time they put on their snow boards. They did so great!!!

Addi very happy in the snow!!!

John and Andi gearing up for more snowboarding fun!

"Yeah!! It is snowing.. and it is blowing in my face!!"

Landon and Addi showing off their snowballs!

So happy to see snow for the first time!!

So, do you think she likes her first "snow storm" ?

Trying to get a picture of the little ones together is always somewhat of a challenge. Here they were so excited!

Mike busy with the snow shovel!

Landon and Addi playing in the pile of snow Mike made for them.

Later in the day on Wednesday, we decided to walk to the lodge to see Daddy skiing.

Landon showing off his big snowball!! He loved throwing them and watching them explode!!

Can't get enough of playing in the snow...

All four of my snow kids!!!

A bundled up Mary Paul!

Who said we were too little to snowboard?? Uncle Bryan didn't think so!! The next best thing to a sled. Can you believe we did not have a sled??!!

Mary Paul and Addi being silly and posing for pictures!

Addi's first ever snow angels!! I love that you can see the little ball from the top of her hat!

G-Mama the perfect snow bunny in all white ready for some tubing action!!

We all had a blast tubing!! You really did go very fast and it was also very cold!! There had been snow that morning so the slopes were fresh and powdery! Landon did awesome as we all held our breath a little when he went down for the first time!!

Landon on the way back to the house after tubing. Does he look tired or what?

Our beautiful snow home away from home!

Two views from the house, the backyard and down the street.

Stopping on the way home near Fayetteville, WV to see the largest single arch bridge in the southern hemisphere. Pretty impressive!

The entire Griner Clan!!

G-Mama and the Griner Grandkids!!

The proud parents feeling a little tired and still a long way to go until home!

A great way to end a great trip!!

FYI: Thanks for bearing with such a long post! I always feel motivated to do long posts because I make my blog pages into a book using Blurb. It makes a great scrapbook version of all your family's memories. I would highly recommend checking it out if you get a chance. Till next time!!


Ryan said...

That was a mammoth post...and will be perfect in your blurb book!!! We had so much fun and can't wait to see you again!!!

Courtney said...

Wow! What a post! Glad you guys had a good time. Addie cracks me up wearing her sunglasses everywhere. I also heard that Blurb doesn't work with blogger anymore...may want to check that out! I wanted to do a book too:(

Mandy said...

What a fabulous post! Those pictures are just the best and it felt like I was there watching! I loved the tubing pictures - that looked like a blast! I love the picture of Landon after tubing! All the kids (and adults) looked like they had so much fun together!! What great memories!

Jodi Brinkley said...

Whoa! I am amazed at all those pictures. How long it must have taken to download!!! They are wonderful. So glad you all enjoyed such a great trip.

David, Samantha and Kaori said...

I like your new background! Fancy! Great post for a great trip! Looking forward to what you end up posting next!

Shannon said...

Loved catching up on all the posts. So glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas and the ski trip looked awesome. We do one most every year as well and can't wait to get Alex out on a snowboard soon. Happy New Year!