Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Disney On Ice....

This past weekend was a fun one! John and Andi went on a youth retreat with church and had a really good time. Mike had to work, so I took Landon and Addi to see their first show. We went to the Knoxville Colesium to see Disney on Ice. We had such a nice time!! The kids loved the show and were in awe of all the lights and action!! Addi wore her Cinderella princess dress and was so excited about seeing her. Their favorite parts were Buzz, Mickey and Minnie and Cinderella! Addi could not get enough of Cinderella and if asked, Landon would say he liked Buzz but his ultimate favorite part was the Zamboni during intermission. I should have known!! They also each had their first snow cones, it was funny to watch them experiment with how to eat it. I love doing things with the kids for the first time, it makes the best memories! We had a great time and we were all worn out!!

Sunday afternoon we went over to Aunt Samantha and Uncle Dave's house for a little while so I took a few pics while we were waiting for them to get home. Hope everyone else had good weekend too!!

Here are some pics....

When we first got there, Landon was a little overwhelmed with everything and would not smile for the camera.

Landon and Addi checking out all the toy vendors!

Landon decided on The Incredibles Car (of course, it was the only vehicle) and Addi chose a Cinderella.

Hard to see them here, I could not get the lighting right for my camera, but you can see the ice behind them.

Yummy Sno Cones!! They did not eat all of it. Most of it melted, but they had fun with what they did manage to get into their mouths.

Landon playing with his new car before the show started.

The empty ice ready for the show. We sat on the 7th row from the ice, so we had great seats.

Addi excited about Cinderella!

My one attempt at a pic from the show. Pictures never do these things justice.

They both loved seeing the car come out on the ice! It was the highlight of the first act.

Addi intently watching the show. Gotta love those cheeks!

Landon and Addi after the show all smiles!!!

Landon and Addi being silly and laughing out on Uncle Dave and Aunt Samantha's steps!

Landon decided to see if he could pick up their pumpkin! Notice Addi's Lightening McQueen in the background. Lately, she has had to have a McQueen with her at all times!


David, Samantha and Kaori said...

So glad that ya'll got to go! Looks like loads of fun! The kids look like they had a great time. Wish there was a pic of all three of you!

The Slatton Family said...

So glad that ya'll enjoyed the show. We took Taylor to a Disney on Ice show here a few weeks ago. It was a different show than the one that ya'll went to, but it was great too. Love all of the pictures! Everyone looks really happy!

Ryan said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a great time!!! The kids look like they had a blast. I love the sno-cone pictures!!!

Heather said...

I love their little happy smiles! Looks like fun, I need to take my kids, I bet they would love it! ;)