Thursday, July 5, 2007

JULY 4th FUN!!

We had a fun July 4th. We started the day with yard work (always fun...) and then had a filling lunch complete with a cake that looked like our American flag. Then we went to downtown Kingston to watch Exit 352 jam out by the lake. It was a lot of fun and it really wasn't too hot. The little ones played on the playground and then I took then home to get cleaned up and got to bed. They were very tired. Mike and the big kids stayed for the fireworks show over the lake which got rave reviews. It lasted over 20 min and they all three said it was really great! Hope everyone else had a good 4th too! Here are a few pics of Exit 352 and their fans!!


David, Samantha and Kaori said...

Glad you guys had such a fun day together! That is a sweet picture of Mike and Addi.

Ryan said...

Those are fabulous!! I'm glad you had a filling lunch complete with an American Flag cake!!!